Thursday, November 28, 2019

Worldview Paper Essays - Christian Philosophy, Grace In Christianity

Worldview is framework of by which a person views the world around him. In my description it is how you scoped the world with your eyes. One perspective is how you think it to be. It is how one filters the world. In descriptive phrase, ?it is a set of assumptions, concepts, values, or practices that constitutes a way of viewing reality? (Webster Dictionary) The question of origin breaks down for us how life began and where did mankind come from. The Bible gives us all that we need to answer these questions. In Genesis 1:1, it tells us how God created the heavens and the Earth. He created everything on the Earth from the trees to the animals that roam the lands. He put man in charge of all of this. He wants us to keep everything in order on the Earth. In 2 Peter 1:21 it states God as the first cause. If there was no God there would be no Earth and nothing would exist. The question of identity shows us who we are as humans and how much authority do we have. The Bible shows us in Psalm 8:5, that God created us to be ?a little lower than the angels. He made all of us in his image, so that we may glorify his name. Genesis 2:15 show us that God put us over the animals. He wanted us to tend to and take care of the animals. At the same time God wants us to reap the benefits of the Earth and take what we need to survive. The question of meaning or purpose lets us know why we exist. It shows us in Philippians 3:8 shows us that we should be willing to give up anything material so that we will be able to gain Christ as our Lord and Savior. John 17:3 shows us how we are supposed to have an intimate relationship with God through our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. The question of morality and ethics tells us how we should live and the differences between right and wrong. Genesis 3 because of Adam?s disobedience in Genesis 3, by eating the forbidden fruit, mankind is now I the need of redemption. This will also help us to learn what is right and wrong. Ephesians 2:8-10 shows us that the salvation of mankind is only received by grace. God is the only one who can give us that grace through Christ Jesus. The final question is where we will go after we die. This is all about the question of destiny. John 15:1-6 shows us how if we are not connected to Christ we will not bear fruit, therefore we will be cast away. In Revelation 20 and 21 it shows that we will either be going to heaven or hell. What will happen after death depends on the individual. You will either be on the Lord?s side or cast into the lake of fire. On a daily basis I think, treat, and speak to others on a daily basis by building a friendship with them, that I might encourage the gospel without hesitation. Regardless of their belief I will show myself to be friendly with love and care. For I am to be an example for Jesus Christ. 1 Peter 3:15 tells us that we should always be prepared to give an answer to everyone, that all men will hear the truth. In deciding a career I would consider the very possibilities to become a Christian leader, that I will be able to convince a people with evidence that will prove that God is, all supremacy, all powerful and to prove the death burial, and the resurrection power of God.

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