Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Free Speech Should Be A Limit - 1348 Words

According to Susan Jacoby, noted feminist and New York Times columnist, â€Å"I am a First Amendment junkie. You can’t OD on the First Amendment, because free speech is its own best antidote† (A First Amendment Junkie,19). Free speech is best refuted by itself because if someone doesn’t like a certain opinion, then they can reciprocate their opinion. In order for free speech to be refuted, someone needs to exercise their right of free speech and refute it. Jacoby is writing in the mid-to-late 70s, when the freedom of speech was in debate. Even more so now, people are arguing and misinterpreting free speech in the First Amendment. The First Amendment specifically states, â€Å"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment . . . or abridging†¦show more content†¦(Berkeley News) This event is important because, the students at Berkeley won’t be penalized for speaking their minds, they protested their opinions and their points of view have b een heard. Another issue that is in the news, is that â€Å"the United States federal government should substantially increase progressive taxation† or increase minimum wage. (NFHS) If the person or people who thought of this issue didn’t bring it to the federal government’s attention, then nothing would have been done about this issue and it would stay unresolved and may never be brought up or fixed. All in all, if having an idea and presenting it to the public were to be banned, then our society would crumble and nothing new would be created and no one’s viewpoints would be heard. Restricting the freedom of speech and putting limits on it is a slippery slope. An idea or course of action which will lead to something unacceptable, wrong, or disastrous. First off, let’s say that our society found a panel of judges to censor things. Once they start censoring certain things, they will get greedy and want to censor everything that they believe should b e censored and not what is good for society as a whole. For example, Jacoby states that if feminists became the judges of censoring things they would not only censor â€Å"girlie magazines† but they would likely also want toShow MoreRelatedThe Fundamental Principles Of The Us Constitution1439 Words   |  6 Pagesthe US Constitution is the freedom of speech. Something so ingrained in the country, that it is often an afterthought for many Americans. John Stuart Mill believes that freedom of expression and speech is a necessity for the human race to advance and evolve. Mill’s justification of this absolute freedom come from the understanding that mistakes and choices made by the person leads to progress and the development of your individual self. 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