Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Drinking and Driving

The use of cellphone while driving Informative speech Specific purpose: to inform my audience about the risks that are involved while using their cellphone while driving and its penalties. Thesis: Using a cellphone while on the road could be risky. Organizational pattern: Topical order. INTRODUCTION: I. Attention Getter: ‘’Using a cellphone while driving, whether it is handheld or hands-free, delays drivers reactions as much as having blood alcohol concentration at the legal limit of 0. 8 percent. ’’ (University of Utah) II. Thesis: Driving while using a cellphone has its risks. III. Relevance: Why should you care?This topic relates to you because ‘’it is the number one cause of crashes for people within the ages 18-25. ’’ (University of Utah) IV. Credibility: I have conducted research for the past days. I have also had a personal experience. V. Brief review of main points: Today I will be talking about the use of cellphone while driving and the penalties this could have. TRANSITION: Let’s start by talking about what can happen if you use a cellphone while driving. BODY I. The use of cellphones while on the road. A. Distracts drivers, affects concentrations on the road. 1. ‘’In 2009, 5,474 people were killed in U. S. oadways and an estimated additional 448,000 were injured in motor vehicle crashes that were reported to have involved distracted driving. ’’ (FARS and GES) B. According to a research by the University of Utah, causes 33% of all call crashes. C. May cause injury, or even death. TRANSITION: Penalties of texting and driving. I. According to www. handsfreeinfo. com , many states implement new laws to stop cell phone use while driving with fines up to 120 dollars. You have done it, and I have done it. And even though we know these laws exist we have all continued to grab our cellphone once in a while while driving. II.Example of how five seconds without looking to th e road can affect you. III. What are the penalties for DUI in Texas? According to, http://dui. drivinglaws. org/texas. php , a first offense can cost you up to $2000 dollars; a third offense can reach up to the amount of $10,000 dollars. | 1st Offense| 2d offense | 3rd Offense| Minimum Jail| 3 to 180 days| 30 days to 1 year| 2 years| Fines and Penalties| Up to $2,000 (unless a child under 15 is in car)| Up to $4,000 (unless a child under 15 is in car)| Up to $10,000| License Suspension| 90 to 365 days| 180 days to 2 years| 180 days to 2 years| IID* Required| No| Yes| Yes|TRANSITION: As I conclude my speech, I would like my audience to reflect upon the effects that cell phone use while driving have on a person’s ability to drive are dangerous, not only to the driver, but to everyone around them. CONCLUSION: I. Thesis summary: Cellphone use while driving has its risks. II. Brief review of main points: I have talked to you about how many accidents can cell phone use cause, and a bout the consequences and penalties. III. Tie-back audience: An accident can not only happen to you, but to any of your loved ones. IV. Closure statement: Video: ‘’This is why cell phone use while driving should be illegal. ’’ (YouTube)

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