Thursday, October 17, 2019

Global Warming (human beings are responsible) Term Paper

Global Warming (human beings are responsible) - Term Paper Example The sun’s warmth is trapped in the atmosphere due to the continuous air pollution that ensures there is a blanket, which prevents the warmth from escaping from the atmosphere. The main purpose of this essay is to prove that humans are the main cause of global warming because of their continuous activities that pollute the environment. The essay will thus prove that the earlier assumption that the sun is responsible for global warming is a vague assumption. This is because there are no evidences unlike the many evidences on the human activities. The assumption that the sun is the main cause of global warming has been used for years by some people due to the historical changes of the earth’s climate. For the past 650,000 years, the earth has experienced about seven cycles of glacial advance and retreat, which has affected the climate. In the last 7,000 years climate has been changing in unusual way and this has been attributed to the small variations of the earth’s orbit change that has increased the amount of solar energy received by the earth (Rosser, 249). People have assumed that the increment of solar energy is the main perpetuator of global warming forgetting that the sunrays are radiated away from the earth after hitting the earth’s surface. Then, the heat escapes the atmosphere into space. This radiation ensured that temperatures are regulated by the nature. Human civilization has led to humans venturing in activities that produce carbon dioxide and other gases that act as blankets preventing the solar energy and warmth from leaving the earth’s atmosphere. The continuous trapping increased solar energy in the atmosphere is the main cause of global warming (Rosser, 256). Since mid-20th century, the climate has changed drastically. This shows that the industrial revolution that began at this time is responsible for the climatic changes that were experienced. Industrialization has hit new levels and there have been more fossil fuels burned

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